Yesterday was World AIDS Day, and Fight Aids Monaco organized its annual auction to raise funds to help those affected by HIV.
The previous day, Princess Stephanie took part in a Q&A session with readers of Nice Matin. She became involved in helping AIDS sufferers after meeting an HIV positive woman, who had been abandoned with her child because of the stigma attached to the disease.
As President of the Fight Aids association, the princess was present at the invitation only auction held yesterday evening, along with Charlene Wittstock. Several items and works of art were donated by artists, galleries and members of the public, and at the end of the evening around 479,000 euros had been collected. The highest bid was for Biopsy by Damien Hirst, which sold for 110,000 euros. Two photographs of Princess Grace, taken during the filming of To Catch a Thief, brought in 41,000 euros and 50,000 euros. A Laurence Jenkell bon bon for 16,000 euros.
All money will go to helping the charity pursue its mission to help those affected by HIV, especially in funding the Maison de Vie home in Carpentras, which will soon welcome its first lodgers. Other projects include a campaign to encourage screening, and the launching of a new website to provide information.
Fight Aids Monaco : Stephanie and Charlene for record sales!