Government ministers spoke to the press this morning in what's expected to be the first of regular information sharing sessions.
Marco Piccinini, new Minister for Finances and Economy spoke about the Monaco Business Office, the body dedicated to helping companies to establish themselves in the Principality. The service is to have flexible working hours and members who speak English, Italian, German and Spanish. It's aim initially is to reduce administrative delays in company registration from 3 to 2 months.
Paul Masseron, Minister for the Interior announced the creation of a section to manage large events. He also presented figures relating to the number of residents' cards issued in 2010. There were 23,575 cards issued, 11 less than 2009, which saw a 15.7% reduction compared to 2008. However 1326 new residents were given cards in 2010, an increase of around 10% compared to 2009.
Stephane Valeri of Social Affairs spoke about the future hospital project, the location of which is still undecided. His department is using a consultancy, ICADE, to help choose the best site, and a verdict is expected at the end of April or beginning of May. Bed numbers will be the same as in the current hospital, but will be restricted to patients from Monaco and its neighbouring towns, from Beaulieu-sur-Mer to Menton.
Government's press call (1): attractiveness, security and future hospital