Prince Albert receives award

The Prince receives an award for his commitment to promoting peace through sport.

In an award ceremony at New York's Waldorf Astoria on 19th September, Prince Albert received a special award in recognition of his global leadership and passionate commitment as a champion of the cause of peace through sport. Joel Bouzou accepted the award on behalf of Prince Albert and read out a message from him saying:

[...] it is our responsibility and duty, governments and individuals, to foster the use of sport for peace building purposes and increase its contribution towards achieving the [Millennium Development] Goals. You can rely on my personal commitment and the involvement of the Principality of Monaco to make this happen.

Peace and Sport, l'Organisation pour la Paix par le Sport also received a Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Award as a tribute to the efforts it makes to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations MDGs.

Prince Albert is High Patron of the Peace and Sport organization, which aims to raise awareness about sport's potential to contribute to sustainable peace. The organization carries out four types of action:

  • organizing an annual International Forum (next edition in Monaco 1st-3rd December 2010)
  • a Resource Centre for sport and peace
  • the Peace and Sport Awards, to reward individuals and initiatives contributing to peace
  • Locally Based Projects - concrete actions in different regions of crisis in the world

Founded by current President Joel Bouzou, Peace and Sport has operations in Cote d'Ivoire, Burundi, Israel and Palestine, East Timor, Colombia and Haiti.

Peace and Sport: Prince Albert decorated in New York

The UN award to HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco

H.S.H. Prince Albert II Receives a United Nations Award for His Commitment to Promote Peace through Sport

Prince Albert II leaves New York for Moscow