Difficult driving conditions for the rentree.
Traveling by car this week has been hit and miss. After the opening of the Canton roundabout on Friday 3rd September, traffic flow in the Canton / place d’Armes district should have improved, but many drivers are still getting used to the new road layout. On Tuesday, the day before the rentree, circulation was particularly bad, with vehicles taking around an hour to make the 23 km journey from Nice to Monaco. In the afternoon, a tourist coach got stuck in the tunnel between the Rocher and the Canton roundabout and caused chaos.
The road works were carried out over summer in an effort to cause least disruption, but they're set to continue for a few more months. After 11 years, the project to link Cap d'Ail to Larvotto by a direct underground road should be complete in the first quarter of 2011. Work started at the end of 1999, when the new railway station entered into service, and so far has cost 190 million euros.. On completion, the Government hopes that traffic will be reduced on boulevard Albert 1er, rue Grimaldi, and avenue d'Ostende. Eventually, in 2014, boulevard Charles III will also be closed to traffic and further apartment and office buildings will be built on it.