Parti Monegasque bow out

Yesterday the Parti Monegasque announced on their website that they wouldn't be taking part in the elections for the National Council this year. Last week, we reported that they'd decided not to be part of the list of Rassemblement et Enjeux, the alliance of RPM and Valeurs et Enjeux. The reason cited was that the Parti Monegasque would not be properly represented, since only four of their candidates would have been listed as part of the alliance. They also refused to join Monaco Ensemble.
Unfortunately, as an independent party they haven't been able to put together the 13 candidates required by law, only managing ten who were credible. Of these, some say they were put under pressure to stand down, and some even claim to have received threats.
The deadline for submitting a list of candidates is 4.30pm today.