Radio Ethic launches it's first public broadcast today.
Founded 4 years ago by Evelyne and Jean Tonelli, Radio Ethic is an Internet radio station based in Monaco. It plays a range of world and French music, and focuses on ethics, human behaviour and values, without being religious nor political. Key discussion topics revolve around sustainable development, corporate ethics, and how citizens can act to improve society's daily quality of life.
With an estimated 20,000 listeners per month, the audience is small compared to local, English language Riviera Radio, which claims 150,000. But everyone's got to start somewhere, and since it's a web based station, there's theoretically no limit to Radio Ethic's reach. Linguistically however, it's limited to francophones.
The producers are hoping to increase their audience by broadcasting live, public debates once a month. The first is taking place in Monaco this evening from 19:30 to 20:30 in Fusion. Journalist Noel Fantoni is leading a discussion on the Mediterranean and the EESD (Environmental Education for Sustainable Development). Also taking part are invited guests Pierre Frolla, Philippe Mondielli (Fondation Prince Albert II), Estelle Bellanger (Association Mediterranee 2000), and Kate Powers, co-founder of Stars n Bars. Members of the public are welcome to come and watch.