Workers at the Metropole Hotel are still demanding their share of gains from VAT reductions.
Following the industrial action taken by hotel staff at the end of October, union reps have called on the Metropole's workers to stop work on New Year's Eve at 6am. Employees continue to demand an extra bonus from the hotel's managers and claim that all discussion regarding the VAT windfall has been refused. Director Jean-Claude Messant cites poor economic performance across the region, saying it's not possible to pay an extra bonus.
UPDATE 6th January 2011
Around 40 demonstrators gathered outside the hotel on New Year's Eve with sirens, megaphones, tambourines and vuvzelas for around 2 hours. Hotel workers were joined by members of the Syndicat des Hotels, Cafes et Restaurants, and the Union des Syndicats de Monaco. The Direction du Travail has agreed to preside over a joint committee in order to encourage both sides to reach an agreement.