Next Generation Entrepreneur Forum, Monaco

Hot off the press:

Learn to write in the library

If you thought that libraries were just places you could go and find material to read, think again. It seems that libraries help you to write too. Author Ray Bradbury found the typewriters* and quiet in his local university library were perfect for him to write his book Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury said:

Monaco, gambling, and the Chinese

Here's an interesting piece of news for all those fascinated by the new, exciting markets of China and India. It seems that the Societe des Bains de Mer are targeting Chinese gamblers at the moment, and starting to develop strategies for attracting Indian clients.

European residential property prices

Guess where you'll find the most expensive residential property in Europe? Of course, it's Monaco, according to the Global Property Guide, which lists European cities, the price of residential property per square metre, and the rental yield.

Experts rate Wikipedia's accuracy higher than non-experts

Researchers at Nottingham University Business School in the UK have published results indicating that experts rate Wikipedia's accuracy higher than non-experts. Maybe last year's controversy over Wikipedia's accuracy was unfounded?

A handy round-up of online libraries

Google Books is probably the most famous source of online books, but this article in lists a few more.

Let's replace cheap & handy with expensive & limited

Are e-Book readers up to the job of replacing books yet? Find out from Russel Smith's comparison of the latest models with the Bio-Optic Organized Knowledge device.

Teaching, video games and questionable questionaires

A new report from the UK, says that there's now "evidence" that video games deserve a place in schools. What's the evidence? points out the need for better quality research.

Technology to help or replace primary researchers?

Wal-Mart are looking to take shopper observation to the next level. They intend to deploy infra-red based technology for tracking shoppers' progress through their stores. Previously this was the preserve of observers with clipboards as described in Paco Underhill's Why We Buy.

Intellectual property theft not confined to real world

The online game Second Life is breeding a virtual world of fashion design.

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