A satisfactory redundancy package has finally been offered to the factory workers of Sofamo Biotherm.
Monaco's Minister of State last week revealed that the Principality's economy for 2008 increased by 10% to 16 billion euros. Growth in individual sectors varied between 5% and 15%, with the strongest development seen in banking and finance, although some press reports are quoting this as a decrease.
Monaco is preparing for the 33rd Monte Carlo International Circus Festival, when about 200 artists will compete against each other for the coveted Golden Clown award.
The main theme of Prince Albert's New Year's message was the looming global economic crisis.
A good friend has just asked what SEO ranking software she can buy to improve her web site's Google position.
If only it were that simple! In the best tradition of Slashdot:
Because I get asked this question so often, I've put together a list of some useful SEO resources.
The Monaco hotel and casino company SBM has big plans to improve its IT systems.
It seems that nothing, including motor sport, is immune to the problems caused by the global economic crisis.
Max Mosley, president of the sport's governing body the FIA, has been concerned about the cost of competing for some time, but the Formula One Teams Association (FOTA) has been slow to react. Things came to a head however earlier in December when Honda confirmed they were pulling out of F1.
The World Intellectual Property Organization ordered that the internet domain casino-monaco-gold.com
to be transferred to Monaco's Societe des Bains de Mer.
Here is a link to emergency scheduling information about the rail service disruptions. If you don't want to risk the trains, here is more information about other public transport serving Monaco.
The big news story this week was the suspension of the project to reclaim land from the sea. In a press conference on Wednesday morning, the government confirmed that further environmental studies would be made in 2009 to ensure there'd be no negative effects on the marine eco system. In addition, the Minister of State said it made good sense to delay the project in the current economic climate.